One Lil' Thing I Want To Bitch About In This
I voted this a five because the timing is great, the animation is top notch, it made me laugh five five times.
But I have worked in restaurants for four years of my life, and I have never met a waitress who would actually be shocked by that "You're A Dick/You're A Fuck" thing. I've heard them call each other cunts just barely quiet enough to avoid detection by the customers or bosses. I have been called everything they say in this video and worse by them because it's busy and they're pissed at how long the food is taking too long. Mostly they're too damn fatigued to be fazed if a guy whipped his penis out and pissed on the carpet.
But like I said, It's just one thing I'm bitching about in a great toon. Would love to see a series devoted to this.